About compress css
JA T3V3 allows you to compress CSS. When you compile LESS to CSS, it also compress CSS. The compressed CSS files are stored in: templates/ja_t3v3_blank/css
CSS files are compressed, the compress rule
- Files:
are minified to one filehome.min.css
- Files:
are minified to one filehome-responisve.min.css
- Files:
is compressed to filetemplate.min.css
- Files:
is compressed to filetemplate-responsive.min.css
a. Enable compress css
When the option compress css is enabled, your site runs on the minified css file.
When the option is disabled, your site will run on normal CSS files.
b. Benefit when enable compress css
Your site will be faster, because the request CSS files will be less than when the your site runs on normal css files.
compress css is ON
compress css is OFF