Module Position System

If you have used JA T3 V2, you may familiar with module position in the new version. There are not much difference. You can create unlimited module positions, assign them to blocks.

Note: Module position is added to a specific block so you have to defined which layout you want to add new module position to.

Step 1: Add module position to block

All block files are located in: template/ja_t3v3_blank/tpls/blocks. Open the block file you want to add new module position to.

 <jdoc:include type="modules" name="<?php $this->_p('your_module_position_name') ?>" />

Step 2: Define new created module position

When done, you need to define the new created module position in the file: TemplateDetail.xml



In the example, I will create a module position named custom-position in the layout: mainbody-content-left

<jdoc:include type="modules" name="<?php $this->_p($custom-position) ?>" style="JAxhtml" />

Now, I define the module position in the TemplateDetail.xml file.

<position>custom-position</position> <! my created module position />